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Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette'

Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette'

Regular price $14.00
Regular price Sale price $14.00
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Shocking foliage color on this relative newcomer makes this a popular perennial! Large, oval leaves, 4-6" long are a beautiful composition of rich green, maroon chevrons in the shape of lightening bolts and butter cream colored irregular patches – each leaf is different! Bold display for part sun to medium shade…18" tall stems spreading to 2'…will grow where other plants won't, dry shade, with tree roots; not fussy about soil. Terminal flower spikes in fall with teeny red flowers – plants seed politely (this is a well mannered plant in our gardens!). Happiest in with ample water during dry spells.

USDA Zone 5a
Pot size: 3 inch pot
Location in retail nursery: B3, B9

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