Secret Garden Growers

Itea ilicifolia

Itea ilicifolia

Regular price $18.00
Regular price Sale price $18.00
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(HOLLY LEAF SWEETSPIRE) Evergreen shrub, narrowly upright, with glossy foliage, 8-10’ tall eventually and half as wide; the real beauty here is in the 1’ long, yellow green flowered stems, sweetly scented that hang straight down like Christmas tree tinsel in summer! Flowers last for 6-8 weeks and create a lot of interest! Imagine this plant as an espalier on a part shade fence or wall; this plant seems to benefit from just a bit of support (sturdy stake, plant next to a column or in an obelisk?). Appreciates siting out of the hot afternoon sun in rich, well-drained soil (but adaptable) with moderate moisture.

USDA Zone 7 (6 with protection)
Pot size: 4"
Location in retail nursery: B8

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